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Virginia Beach (USA)

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24 September 2007

Virginia Beach, USA, Princess Anne Middle School

shadow: cm
angle: 37.183°


Our average measurement of the shadow was 9.2 inches from a foot long stick 12.125 inches.
This gave us a central angle of 37.18 degrees.
Our distance to the equator is 2528 miles.
Therefore using the proportion, we measured 24,478 miles.
The actual circumference is 24,902 miles.
Our percent error was -1.7%.

Our school has 1,550 students in Grades 6 through 8. We are a fully accredited Virginia Standards of Learning School, and we prepare our students for high school. Our students enjoy their academics and have many extracuricular activities. In addition to soccer, field hockey, basketball, wrestling, and baseball, we have a Rocket Club and an Astronomy Club . We would enjoy communicating with students in France as in previous years.

Princess Ann Middle School Giants measure the sun’s shadow on the Autumnal Equinox 2006 to determine the earth’s circumference mathematically!


Princess Ann Middle School 1st launch of 11’ Rocket Panther on K1100T

Lafrançaise, France

shadow: 98.5cm

distance: 820km - circumference: 40346km



by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-01-05 18:05
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