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Gulf Breeze (Florida USA)

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24 September 2007

Gulf Breeze, Florida USA, Oriole Beach Elementary

shadow: 56cm
angle: 30.000°


Hello from Oriole Beach Elementary! We’re located at 30.17 N latitude and 87.10 W longitude...just a few miles east of Gulf Breeze, Florida. We’re not on a beach but Pensacola Beach is only a 10 minute drive away. We have 850 Pre-K to 5th grade students in our school. Two of the six 5th grade classes are participating in this project. Our teachers team up for our math and science.

Lafrançaise, France

shadow: 98.5cm



distance: 1529km - circumference: 37961km

by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-01-05 17:59
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