The day after the equinox, in spite of bad weather conditions, we were able to do a few measurements.
The value of the angle of the sun’s rays with the vertical (51 °) is close to the value of Arras latitude (50 ° 17 ’).
Arras (France)24 September 2007
Arras, France, école Lafontaine
latitude: 50.283° The day after the equinox, in spite of bad weather conditions, we were able to do a few measurements.
The value of the angle of the sun’s rays with the vertical (51 °) is close to the value of Arras latitude (50 ° 17 ’). Lafrançaise, France
shadow: 98.5cm distance: 683km - circumference: 37828km
Eric Vayssié
last modified
2008-01-05 17:54