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Yuba City (California, USA)

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21 September 2007

Yuba City, California, USA Riverbend Middle School

latitude: 39.090°
shadow: 78.45cm


We are the first 6th grade class at a brand new school in Yuba City, California, USA, called Riverbend Middle School. We are located in a farming community north of Sacramento.
We are a math and science exploration class, which is an elective class offered for strong math students.
Throughout the year we will be studying both math and science through hands-on projects.
Our latitude is 39°05’15" N.
Our longitude is 121°36’04"W.
Thank you to all the classrooms sharing the wonder of new things with us!

Lafrançaise, France

2007-09-lafr-21sept-21-1_1_.jpg 2007-09-lafr-21sept-28-1_1_.jpg

shadow: 94.5cm


2007-09-lafr-21sept-25-1_1_.jpg 2007-09-lafr-21sept-30-1_1_.jpg


September 21, 2007
Latitude difference : 44°08’ -39°06’ = 05°02’ = 5,033°
Distance : 5,033 x 111,1 = 559 km
Angle difference: 43°20’ -(-38°06’) = 05°14’ = 5,233°
Circumference: 559 x 360° / 5,233° = 38 454 km

by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-01-05 17:38
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