webcam february 2008
2008, february 8th
Friday 8th, we had a web rendez-vous on Wengomeeting, with Lyon and Arras.
Quentin filmed the gnomon with the webcam#1 .
The webcam#2 is facing Dorian.
2008, february 12th
Drawing meridian lines at solar noon

2008, february 13th
The shadow of a 1 meter gnomon (13:46 to 15:12 TU+1)
The gnomon is too high, it is not adapted for an observation on a longuer period. : open a new window
video-13fevr.wmv : open a new window
2008, february 15th

The shadow of a 51.5cm high gnomon (11:07 to 17:01) : open a new window
video-2008-02-15.wmv : open a new window
The computer clock is 11min early:
Solar noon is 13:09
Friday 8th, we had a web rendez-vous on Wengomeeting, with Lyon and Arras.
Quentin filmed the gnomon with the webcam#1 .
The webcam#2 is facing Dorian.
2008, february 12th
Drawing meridian lines at solar noon
2008, february 13th
The shadow of a 1 meter gnomon (13:46 to 15:12 TU+1)
The gnomon is too high, it is not adapted for an observation on a longuer period. : open a new window
video-13fevr.wmv : open a new window
2008, february 15th
The shadow of a 51.5cm high gnomon (11:07 to 17:01) : open a new window
video-2008-02-15.wmv : open a new window
The computer clock is 11min early:
Solar noon is 13:09
Eric Vayssié
last modified
2008-03-15 18:00