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Superwasp (english)

Super WASP Super WASP

Superwasp is an extremly wide field robotic camera. As its name suggests Superwasp is designed to detect extrasolar planets via the transit technique around relatively bright stars.

Superwasp is used as a survey instrument - capable of imaging the entire visible skuy every 45 min or so. The data rate is so large that the Consortium have developped a dedicated reduction pipeline and archive for the extracted light curves.

Superwasp was inaugurated in april 2004. It is composed of up to 8 individual cameras each having  a 200mm f1.8 lens imaging onto a thermoelectrically cooled 2048*2048 pixel thinned CCD detector. This gives it an angular scale of about 14 arc seconds per pixel. At this scale even at dark moon the night sky is sufficiently bright that our magnitude limit for the exoplanet work is about 13th magnitude.

by Charles-Henri Eyraud et Philippe Jeanjacquot last modified 2006-07-25 13:55
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