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Solar week: Feb. 26 through Mar. 2

Quoi ? Social Event
Quand ? 26-02-2007 00:00 au
02-03-2007 23:50
Où ?
Ajouter un événement au calendrier vCal (Windows, Linux)
iCal (Mac OS X)
Par eaaeDernière modification 02-03-2007 11:12 expiré

Feb. 26 through Mar. 2, a week of web-based educational classroom activities on the Sun Hosted by the UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory, Solar Week provides a weeklong series of Web-based educational classroom activities and games geared for elementary, middle and high school students, on a national and international basis with a focus on the Sun and its interaction with the Earth.

Students learn about solar eclipses, sunspots, and solar storms through a series of activities, games, and a question and answer forum with the scientists.

Solar Week is ideal for students studying the solar system, the stars, astronomy in general. It's also for kids wondering what it's like being a scientist, and possible career choices. Participation makes for a fun computer lab activity as well, so let your imaginations fly!

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