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Saturn Observation Night 2007

Document Actions
Saturn as seen by the Cassini spacecraft Saturn as seen by the Cassini spacecraft
Noeleen with a group in Australia Noeleen with a group in Australia
Rodger showing people Saturn Rodger showing people Saturn
Schoolchildren in Benin Schoolchildren in Benin
Oscar showing school children Saturn Oscar showing school children Saturn
Event Report

The first worldwide Saturn Observation Night (SON) seems to have been a great success! Despite weather problems just about everywhere, people managed to observe on all continents! Here are a few examples:

In India two students persuaded the only IMAX cinema in India to a show a Saturn film all day long for free and people travelled over 300 miles to see the film.

Noeleen and Rodger, two Australians, organised an event in Toowoomba in the mountains inland from Brisbane and despite strong winds and thunderclouds over 150 people turned out to look at Saturn.

In Chile, an astronomy club put out eight telescopes and projected images of Saturn onto a wall for everyone to see.

Oscar in Benin organised an event in the local schools playing field for about a hundred school children.

DeWayne in the USA organised an event in Illinois and despite bad weather over a hundred people turned up to observe.

Deirdre in Ireland organised Saturn colouring in pages for the senior infant class in a local school and gave a talk/presentation to 200 pupils and their teachers

Eric at the Bourgogne astronomy club managed half an hour before the weather got the best of him.

Most of Europe seems to have suffered from bad weather and a lot of events (mine included) were cancelled at the last minute.

Astronomy is a truly universal activity and I hope that the astronomy community, both “amateur and professional” will continue to show what is capable with a bit of cooperation.

If you would like to be informed about Saturn Observation Night 2008 (SON 2008) please do not hesitate to contact me at



by Bob Larcher last modified 2008-12-11 08:32 Powered by Plone, the Open Source Content Management System