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METER is the Acronym of Measuring the Earth Through European students’ Research and collaboration. Students in different countries will perform experimental activities and historical research in order to understand the path of humanity from the measurement of the Earth to the Earth as the unit of measure (definition of meter). Meridians are a focal point: there have been many prime meridians during the course of history, long in use in the countries of this partnership.
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Meeting in Rome
Meeting in Oradea
Meeting in Décines
Meeting in Birmingham
Meeting in Athen


The path begins with the Greek philosophers that more than 2000 years ago engaged the hard project to define the shape and the dimensions of the Earth.

Although the main emphasis will be on astronomy and the physical aspects of the measurements, contributions from other curriculum areas both scientific (maths, biology, geology) and humanities (history, geography, literature, languages, philosophy, arts) will increase students’ knowledge about the Earth, develop their awareness of the role of measurements and metric system in our common culture and enrich their experience and transversal competences.

Students will develop their linguistic and communication skills through a variety of means such as reporting their findings on a dedicated website and in periodic conferences: students of different ages, levels and abilities will perform peer learning activities to involve and motivate even those ones disadvantaged and with special needs.

During our Comenius project, we have mobilities  in each of our schools. In the mobilities, students prepare and participate to different workshops, we have also visits and meeting linked with our subject. Our project  also includes  activities together or in our schools. Our the data are inside the web site in the files: Activities, Mobilities, In our schools.

News: Meeting in Athen 11th-13th May,2011

 Logo Athen

More details here

Our last videos

During the Décines meeting, students perform plays on subjects related to the Comenius project

Europe with groupmembers

See our schools location in this map bellow

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  • To promote European cooperation between pupils (ages 11 to 18) of different schools in an integrated project, both in the scientific area and the humanities
  • To understand how the Greek philosophers more than 2000 years ago could define the shape and the dimensions of the Earth
  • To understand the path of humanity from the measurement of the Earth to the Earth as the unit of measure (the definition of meter)
  • To emphasize the educational value of Physics, Astronomy and Philosophy concerning the development of basic concepts like Space and Time
  • To undertake experimental work that can be used and shared by pupils in the participating schools to enrich their knowledge about the Earth and their understanding
  • of the role of measurements - meter and Metric System - in their daily lives
  • To enhance awareness of the role of a common system of measures in our culture and the comparison with different systems
  • To reinforce the motivation of students, even those ones disadvantaged and with difficulties, giving them responsibility in project works and involving them in peer
  • learning activities
  • To develop transversal competences as an inquiring attitude and the abilities to implement methods of research, to debate, to communicate in different languages.
  • To develop linguistic and communication skills of the participating pupils through a variety of means, including the use of ICT
  • To promote pedagogical innovation and experimental projects in the participating schools

First common experiment: Measuring the perimeter of the Earth, Eratosthene experiment.

Each of our team made the experiment with our own background an pedagogy, we adapt our activity to the age and level of our pupils. We share all of our in the slide presentations below.
by Philippe Jeanjacquot last modified 2017-05-22 19:15
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