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13-14 june 2009: Barcelona-Bénin-France: earth radius of the earth

por Tidjani Coffe, Rosa Ros, Ghislain Bernard, Charles-Henri Eyraud, Jean-Michel VienneyÚltima modificación 07-07-2009 13:31

Photos and measures from

Parakou : 14 juin 11h44 UTC       gnomon 32cm ombre 7,1cm
barcelona.jpg Barcelona: 13 june 11:50 UTC     gnomon 77cm , ombre 26.7cm
                 14 june 11:48 UTC     gnomon 80 cm, ombre 26cm
lyon.jpg Lyon (France) 13 juin 11h41  UTC     gnomon 1m, ombre 0,41m

Buthiers (France) 13 juin 11h47 UTC  gnomon  0,853m   ombre 0,399m

Measures: 90°-altitude (zenithale distance)

  Parakou Barcelona Draguignan Lyon Buthiers
Longitud (East) 02° 37' 00" 02°11' 17" 06° 28' 04° 47' 14" 02° 25' 31"
Latitud (Nord) 09° 21' 00" 41°23' 14" 43° 32' 45° 45' 12'' 48° 16' 42"
13 june nuages 19° -- 22°30' 25°10'
14 june 13° 18° -- -- --
Distance // (km)  3560  0  238  485  766
Z. Dist (calculation)
(declinaison 23°15')
14° 17°50' 20° 22° 33' 25°

Googlemap of the 5 city

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