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Naples (Florida, USA)

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28 September 2007

Naples, Florida, USA, Pelican Marsh Elementary

shadow/Ombre: 62.5cm

Our school is a public A-rated school. There are 24 kids in this class, and 770 kids in the school. We have an outstanding challenge program and wonderful teachers of every type, even for art! Pelican Marsh has a morning News program that all of the teachers tune their TVs to the channel, and the volunteers from the 5th grade make announcements on. The 5th graders also make a security system that we like to call the Safety Patrols. The kids help the littler one to their classes and open the car doors in the car line. There are some cool fun-facts about Pelican Marsh!

Lafrançaise, France

Shadow/Ombre: 104,5cm



distance: 604km circumference: 43488km

by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-01-05 18:07
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