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L'Albenc (FRANCE)

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On 28 January 2008, we put a small obelisk on a large sheet of paper so that the shade is on the sheet.

We draw the shadows with a pencil and we noted the time of the measure.
We have noted the measures several times in the day.
The small obelisk is 12 cm high.

12 h 40 244 mm
12 h 48 240 mm
12 h 51 239 mm
12 h 56 241 mm
13 h 10 243 mm

With the Centro Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnologia of Cañada Gómez (ARGENTINA) as a partner school, and its measurement of 29 January 2007
latitude 32°49 ’S = -32,817 °
angle: 13°16’S = -13.267 °

difference in latitude 45°13’- (-32°49’) = 45217 - (-32817) = 78,034 °
distance between towns: 78,034 ° x 111.1 = 8670 km

circumference: 8670 x 360 / (64 - (-13,267) = 40 395 km

by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-05-07 15:25
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