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Adélaïde (Australia)

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21 September 2007

Adélaïde, Australia, Hamilton Secondary college

2007-09-adelaide_2_.jpglatitude: -34.900°
shadow: 70cm

Hamilton Secondary college is a large secondary government school with both continuing students from grades 7-12 and also adult students who attend day and night classes in a variety of curriculum areas. We are situated in the southern suburbs of Adelaide around 6 km from the sea and 7 km from the CBD. Hamilton is the home of the South Australian Space School and we frequently have NASA astronauts visit our school.
Students play a variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, netball,cricket, Aussie rules football, soccer and we also have a large number of students involved in rock climbing (we have a rock wall on site) and bike riding.
The Australian Rules Grand Final is to be played this week in Melbourne and the two teams playing are Geelong ( a town near Melbourne) and a team from Adelaide (Port Adelaide ’Power’). Over 40,000 people are expected to travel to Melbourne from Adelaide to watch the teams play.
We have a mediterranian climate here with temperatures ranging from 8-12 degrees C max in winter to 33-40 degrees C maximum in summer. At the moment we are in spring with temperatures around the mid twenties. There is 16.5 hours time difference between Adelaide and LA (on daylight saving) so that when it is 6pm on Sunday 23 September in LA it is 10.30 am in Adelaide.

Lafrançaise, France

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shadow: 94.5cm


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Latitude difference : 44°08’ -(-35°00’) = 79°08’ = 79,133°
Distance : 79,133 x 111,1 = 8791 km
Angle difference: 43°20’ -(-35°) = 78°20’ = 78,333°
Circumference: 8791 x 360° / 78,333° = 40 401 km

by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-01-05 17:30
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