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Beloeil (CANADA)

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school : Le Tournesol
Beloeil (Québec) Canada
latitude : 45° 35′ N
longitude : -72° 48′ W

On December 21st, we were very disappointed because we could not take our measures because the sky was too cloudy. But we calculated the time of solar noon, which stood at 11:51.


Today, January 16th, the sky is completely clear. We calculated that our solar noon was at 12:03. Here is the result of our measures:
Height of the gnomon : 15 cm

09h03 77cm
10h03 43cm
11h03 35,5cm
12h03 33cm
13h03 38cm
14h03 44cm
15h03 76,5cm



 date : 22/04/2008
 solar noon : 12:52
 gnomon : 15cm
 shadow : 10cm
 angle : 33°41’

by Eric Vayssié last modified 2008-05-04 21:38
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