Lafrançaise (FRANCE)
We had a sunny day for the equinox measurements.

We used two gnomons of 100cm and 50 cm high.

With the gnomon of 50cm we realized an animation of the shadow of the gnomon

With the 100cm gnomon we made a precise measurement of the length of the shadow at solar noon : 97cm
webcam 14th march 2008
webcam february 2008
webcam 20 mars 2008
We used two gnomons of 100cm and 50 cm high.
With the gnomon of 50cm we realized an animation of the shadow of the gnomon
With the 100cm gnomon we made a precise measurement of the length of the shadow at solar noon : 97cm
angle of the sun : 44.128°
Latitude of Lafrançaise : 44°08’=44.133°
We have chosen a virtual partner located on the equator
Distance to equator 44.1333° x 111.111 km = 4904 km
Circumference : 4904 * 360 / 44.128 = 40007km
webcam 14th march 2008
webcam february 2008
webcam 20 mars 2008
Eric Vayssié
last modified
2008-05-15 13:55