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National sites
Site européen
Allemagne Lettonie
Autriche Lituanie
Belgique Luxembourg
Chypre Norvège
Danemark Pays-Bas
Espagne Pologne
Estonie Portugal
Finlande Royaume-Uni
Géorgie Slovaquie
Irlande Suisse

Eratosthenes (en)

Acciones de Documento

The experiment of ERATOSTHENES

Put a staff to the sun, measure its shadow when the sun is at its highest point, deduce the angle of the solar rays compared with the vertical staff, then exchange your results with another class under another latitude. Then, a few geometrical drawings and a rule of three give you the length of earth's meridian.

Download video (wmv 14Mo 2min) assouan-alexandrie-640x480.wmv

Original videos:
David Jasmin (La Main à la Pâte): http://diffusion.ens.fr/index.php?res=conf&idconf=746
Mogi Vicentini (Planetario di Milano): http://www.mogi-vice.com/Pagine/Downloads.html


Download .wmv video (80Mo, 22 min, 320x240 )
videos of the schools (automn equinox 2008)
videoconference Centra (spring equinox 2009) : video wall - play list


Historical texts about Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, ...


The library of ERATOSTHENES

Reports of measurements


Help for calculations

All the programs

The schools

Collège Antonin Perbosc

Ecole Lafontaine

Rosa Magro primary school

Việt Nam



View Larger Map & List of the Schools



Eratosthène 09



por Eric VayssiéÚltima modificación 18-01-2010 11:04
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