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10th EAAE Summer School from 3 to 8 July 2006 (Inscriptions closed)

by eaae last modified 2009-02-03 20:59




The European Association for Astronomy Education is the first all-European network for teachers interested in Astronomy. The EAAE has a set of working groups that work in several fields. The EAAE-WG SummerSchools organises each year a Summer School. The aim of a the EAAE-WG Summer School is to offer teachers access to specific research, to new educational materials and methods and the chance to exchange experiences. This Summer School is open to all teachers who work in primary and secondary schools in European countries. The 10th Summer School for European teachers will be held in July 2006 in Spain. During a week, around a hundred European teachers will attend general lectures, working groups, workshops and observational sessions. To that end, the Spanish members of EAAE-WG SS have to prepare the local organisation with the support of Swedish institutions. The Chairperson of the EAAE SS is Rosa M. Ros.

Main features of the Summer School

The 10th Summer School will take place on 6 days in the first week of July (3.07.06 - 08.07.06) will be held in the neighbourhood of Santa Cruz de la Palma in Spain. Santa Cruz de la Palma is in La Palma Island one of the Canarian Islands.

We shall visit and observe in the IAC (Institute Astrofisico de Canarias) on Roque de los Muchachos !

At this event several different kinds of activities will be presented by astronomers from universities or schoolteachers from different European countries, with the active participation of the audience. In general, these instructors at the Summer School will be members of EAAE-WG SS. The Summer School is for schoolteachers interested in astronomy even if they only have limited knowledge in this field. The Summer School is not aimed at experts. The preliminary theme of this Summer School is "Astronomy in Canarian islands: practical activities for schools".

General information will be available through the web of EAAE

General Lectures (GL): will be presented during the Opening and Closing session.
Working groups (WG):will focus on general discussions related to Teaching Astronomy in European countries
Workshops (WS): will also be held in small groups (20 participants). The objective of WS is to offer teachers very practical
and didactic presentations.
Observation sessions can be held during the Summer School depending on the weather. The goal is to introduce the participants to
all types of astronomical observations.
Poster exhibitions will be organised, to which participants are invited to contribute by presenting posters of particular astronomical
activities. Participants interested in presenting a poster should send an English summary (max. 200 words) to Juan Pedro Sanchez by e-mail with the registration form and with the Subject: EAAE SS Poster
The posters will be presented during the Summer School in English
Session to evaluate the different activities will take place at the end of the Summer School. There will be a chance to make comments
on the course contents in a general discussion.

A proposed schedule is:

Monday: General Lecture (1.5 h.) / WS (1.5 h.) / LUNCH / WS (1.5 h.) / WG (Introduction) (1 h.) / Observation
Tuesday:  WS (1.5 h.) / WS (1.5 h.) / LUNCH / WS (1.5 h.) / WG (Poster Session) (1 h.) / Observation
Wednesday: WS (1.5 h.) / WS (1.5 h.) / LUNCH / WS (1.5 h.) /WG (1 h.)
Thursday: WS (1.5 h.) / WS (1.5 h.) / LUNCH / Possible trip
Friday: WS (1.5 h.) / WS (1.5 h.) / LUNCH / WS (1.5 h.) / WG (1h.)
Saturday: WG (Evaluation) (1.5 h.) / General Lecture (1.5 h.)/LUNCH

Publications and material

The organisers of the Summer School will publish the material necessary to carry out the activities on the programme. On the first day of the Summer School, each participant will receive a booklet with:
a) the contents of each general lecture,
b) an explanation of each workshop with the material on paper necessary to do it: sketches, tables, graphics, drawings, etc. and information on the activity involved
c) material needed for observation sessions,
d) a summary of posters and e) addresses of participants and instructors.

The languages will be English, Spanish and Portuguese so it is desirable that participants can speak English, as the aim of the organisers is to promote very active participation and the exchange of ideas. Although the organisation will not be offering simultaneous translation, it will provide multilingual documentation. In the proceedings, the contribution will be presented in English and one other language (Spanish or Portuguese).


This year the EAAE Summer School is a Socrates course. The title of the course is
and the code is ES-2006-004.

1) Pre-registration

Pre-registration has to be done here:
Join the immediate EAAE confirmation of this pre-registration with the candidature form Comenius 2 (below)

2) Bourse Socrates

All the candidates can apply to their National Socrates Agencies according to the Socrates rules.
Pour les candidats français l'agence SOCRATES France peut accorder une bourse européenne prenant en charge les frais (voyage, hébergement...). Les instructions se trouvent sur la page:
Il faut télécharger et envoyer à l'adresse indiquée le formulaire de demande de bourse Comenius 2:

Agence Socrates-Leonardo da Vinci
25, Quai des Chartrons
33080 Bordeaux cedex
standard : 05 56 00 94 00
fax : 05 56 00 94 80

Références de cette école d'été:

La référence de cette école d'été est ES-2006-004. Vous pourrez avoir toutes précisions en indiquant cette référence sur le formulaire suivant :
ou en faisant directement

Teachers interested in participating but who can not apply for a Socrates grant (because they do not meet the Socrates requirements) should contact directly to



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