Προσωπικά εργαλεία
Βρίσκεστε εδώ: Αρχική Σελίδα Groupspace Measuring longitudes with the Moons of Jupiter Partners-gs-longitudes Secondary school, Loulé, Portugal

Secondary school, Loulé, Portugal

Ενέργειες Εγγράφων

Présentation du Lycée:

Physic's teacher: Alexandre Costa

Escola Secundária de Loulé
Rua Laginha Serafim
8100-740 Loulé
Latitude: 37º 09' N
Longitude: 08º00 W

It is a Secondary school with a lot of activities in several area like, arts, astronomy, science, robotics, language, etc.

από Françoise BayleΤελευταία τροποποίηση 19/02/2007 11:32
Contributors: cheyraud
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