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Bulletin Bulletin
The Very Large Array The Very Large Array
M81 Seen by Hubble M81 Seen by Hubble
Spitzer-Earth Parallax Spitzer-Earth Parallax
Les nouvelles de l'Espace du 04 juin 2007

Les informations que vous trouverez sur cette page viennent des sources suivantes :

et de plusieurs sites de la NASA et l’ESA

La page est organisée en deux sections. Dans la première section vous pouvez lire une synthèse des événements astronomiques et spatiaux de la semaine écoulée et dans la deuxième section les événements à ne pas manquer dans la semaine qui vient.

Si vous avez des informations intéressantes que vous voulez partager, n’hésitez pas à me les envoyer à l’adresse suivante :

La semaine dernière dans l’espace ! In English this week !!!

Two major ESA programmes are featured in this issue of the Bulletin: ‘GMES’ observation satellites and Jules Verne, the first of five Automated Transfer Vehicles. Additional articles include the ‘Astrolab and Celsius’ missions, ESA Television and the future of the ESA Science Programme:

ESA’s SOHO has helped uncover radio screams that foretell dangerous Coronal Mass Ejections, or CMEs, which produce radiation storms harming infrastructure on ground, in space as well as humans in space. Click here for more information:

Astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope have greatly strengthened the case that super massive black holes at the cores of galaxies may have formed through mergers of smaller black holes. Their VLA studies showed that a globular star cluster in the galaxy M31 probably has a black hole with 20,000 times the mass of the Sun at its core. Click here for more information:

Europe’s scientists have free access to spectacular data and images from Hinode, a Japan-led mission with ESA participation that studies the mechanisms that power the Sun’s atmosphere and cause violent eruptions. Click here for more information:

Astronomers released this beautiful photograph of the grand spiral design galaxy, M81, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Although it looks like a single image, it was actually constructed by putting together many images on computer, using three different wavelengths of light. Click here for more information:

Astronomers now have a new "eye" for determining the distance to certain mysterious bodies in and around our Milky Way galaxy. By taking advantage of the unique position of NASA's Spitzer's Space Telescope millions of miles from Earth, and a depth-perceiving trick called parallax, they were able to pin down the most probable location of one such object. The findings will ultimately help astronomers better understand the different components of our galaxy. Click here for more information:

Another new planet has been announced that crosses the line between planet and brown dwarf. This time, the planet is called XO-3b, and it was discovered through collaboration between amateur and professional astronomers. Click here for more information:

A ne pas manquer la semaine prochaine

Mardi 05 juin : Une heure et demie après le coucher du Soleil, il est possible d'observer un phénomène excessivement rare : le Soleil, la Terre et Jupiter étant alors pratiquement alignés, Io occulte pratiquement son ombre en passant devant Jupiter.

Mercredi  06 juin : En route vers la planète Mercure depuis le 3 août 2004, la sonde américaine MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, Geochemistry, and Ranging) doit effectuer aujourd’hui son second et dernier survol de Vénus. You can visit the MESSENGER web site here:

Jeudi  07 juin : Le satellite Io est tout seul à l’ouest de Jupiter

Vendredi 08 juin : Élongation maximale de Titan à l’est de Saturne.

Samedi 09 juin : Plus grande élongation de Vénus à l’est du Soleil : 45° 23'

von Bob LarcherZuletzt verändert: 11.06.2007 22:40
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