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Welcome to EAAE

by eaae last modified 2008-02-03 16:52
The purpose of EAAE is to improve and promote astronomical education at all levels in all institutions involved in teaching astronomy in Europe.
Aims and Means Astronomy is the oldest of all sciences. It is also pluridisciplinar; not only do its most recent developments use all the disciplines of physics, but it also has links with chemistry, biology and the Earth sciences. Furthermore, the cultural and philosophical role of Astronomy is undisputed.

Studying the Universe is a means of searching for our own origins, learning to situate ourselves within cosmic infinity and developing a sense for the beauty and fragility of our Earth. It equally allows us to keep a critical approach towards irrational pseudo-sciences.

Furthermore, Astronomy is extremely popular. There is a great public interest for topics such as eclipses, meteor showers, space missions, and for all the popular magazines and TV programs about astronomy. Several "test" projects within schools have shown that Astronomy is the perfect way to arouse the enthusiasm and interest of all pupils, who tend to be bored with more classical subject matters.

Our aim is to develop and to promote the teaching of Astronomy in the broadest way possible. Thanks to its pluri-disciplinary nature, Astronomy can blend in harmoniously with classical experimental sciences, philosophy, history, geography etc.

By using our wide network of educators in astronomy in Europe at all levels, our members can take advantage of experiences in other countries. Teachers and students are encouraged to exchange and collaborate with groups abroad, and to make use of contacts with the world of professional astronomy, with which the EAAE has solid links.

As a member you can subscribe to the EAAE mailing list and send and read circular mailings there.

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