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Descriptions, files and links for the activities of the project METER
Eratothene's experiment Autor: Philippe Jeanjacquot — Ultima modificare 2010-06-17 18:12
Each country make this experiment with his own pedagogy and for the level of their pupils. This playlist shows the different used methods
Triangulation and parallax methods Autor: Nicole Pazmany — Ultima modificare 2010-06-17 18:28
Measuring distance with this method
Units of measurement Autor: Philippe Jeanjacquot — Ultima modificare 2010-06-18 11:22
Presentation about different units of measuring, history, comparison and use. Made during the economy class. Author Camelia Pop
Astronomy in Oradea Fortress Autor: Nicole Pazmany — Ultima modificare 2010-06-18 12:55
Video "Un meridiano lungo 150 anni" Autor: Leonarda Fucili — Ultima modificare 2010-06-18 13:27
Il video riassume brevemente le molteplici attivita' di ricerca, orienteering e musica riguardanti il 1' meridiano d'Italia, messe in atto dagli studenti del Corso H coordinati dalla Prof.ssa Fucili (Scuola Media Belli di Roma) per celebrare i 150 anni dell'Unificazione d'Italia
Presentation of Rome Autor: Leonarda Fucili — Ultima modificare 2011-08-22 19:32
Myths and constellations Autor: Leonarda Fucili — Ultima modificare 2011-08-22 20:30
A video describes the myths related to the main constellations
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