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Amsterdam 13-18 october 2009

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Visit and conference, teacher meeting to discuss organizational issues. Workshop: introduction to the methods of orientation and navigation through the Earth Visit to the Harbour and Historical places in Amsterdam



‘Measuring the Earth Through European students’ Research and collaboration’

Pictures of the mobility.

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Tuesday 13 October:

-          Arrival in Amsterdam

-          Welcome and Accommodation


Wednesday 14 October:


10.00 Opening ceremony

Welcome by Saskia Grotenhuis, director OSB, and visit of the school.

10.30 Morning theme: Getting acquainted with each other.

Presentation of the participants

13.00 Lunch, offered by the OSB

14.00 Afternoon theme: What did we do?

-          Presentations concerning  the former Comenius project 2007/09 (Leonarda and Philippe)

-          Discussion: how to go on?

16.00 End of the meeting

19.00 Common dinner in a restaurant in Amsterdam

21.00 Night tour in the city: Amsterdam and the “level of water” 


Thursday 15 October

Theme: What are we going to do? General planning about activities and mobilities.


10.00 Theme: the first common activity

- The Eratosthenes experiment (Leonarda, Philippe, Bernie, Nicole)

13.00 Lunch, offered by the OSB

14.00 Afternoon theme: Making the first appointments

We will define the great lines about activities and mobilities.

16.00 End of the meeting

19.00 Common dinner in a restaurant in Amsterdam


Friday 16 October

Tour in Amsterdam connected with the project, guided by Rupert Genseberger.

-          Amsterdam Historical Museum

-          Palace at Dam square (Trade, navigation, maps of the world, Amsterdam meridian)

13.00 Common lunch in a restaurant in Amsterdam.


Saturday 17 October:

Visiting places in Amsterdam, connected with the project


End of the 1st meeting in Amsterdam
by Philippe Jeanjacquot last modified 2009-12-31 11:54
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