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Wednesday 17 March 2010 detailed program

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workshop 1 workshop 1
workshop 2 workshop 2
workshop 3 workshop 3
This article included schools presentations, workshops, visits and astronomical observations.
08:30 - 10:15   Opening Ceremony Main Hall (Aula Magna):

-    PPT presentations of schools

-    PPT presentation and video about Prime Meridian Activities in Rome (Fucili, Felici)
10:30 – 11:30 Workshops 1 - 2 – 3

workshop 1:

 The magnification of the Galilean telescope (guided by French students) (Terrace)
workshop 1

workshop 2:

The Universe in powers of ten (guided by Italian students ) (Astronomy laboratory)

workshop 2


workshop 3:

 Triangulation and navigation (Athens) (Gardens in Viale Mazzini or school court)

workshop 3

Workshops playlist


12:00         Dutch students’ presentation (Main Hall)

15:00 - 19:00     “Tour through Roman meridians and sundials” guided by Leonarda Fucili

Afficher Roman Meridians sur une carte plus grande
19:30      Pizza party and astronomical observations  (astronomical terrace - about 60-70 people)
(Bernie’s comment: “could the Birmingham partners leave the bad weather at home”)

21:30   End of the observation
by Philippe Jeanjacquot last modified 2010-06-18 13:45
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