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The "Sunfollower"

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The "Sunfollower", Tournesolaire in French, is a special mount. It allows to a photovoltaic module to follow the motion of the sun in our sky. Different experiments were build to measure the height and the azimuth of the sun, calculate the yield of the prototype, the effect of the cloudiness.
The sunfOllower report (April 2008) by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-16 21:06
This is the educational report. Sorry it is still in French.
The SunfOllower slideshow by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-18 11:47
This is the slideshow created by the team of students working on the SunfOllower
The sunfollower summary for workshop at Science On Stage in Berlin by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-18 11:50
This is the summary of the project for the introduction of the workshop and round table: “Hands on” experiments to boost motivation and cognition
The sunfOllower workshop presentation by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2009-06-15 14:57
This is the presentation of the sunfOllower for Science On Stage in Berlin (from 23/10/2008 to 26/10/2008)
The SunfOllower poster - the Gnomon and the webcam experiment by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-17 16:57
This poster gives details for making the experiment.
The SunfOllower poster - the calculations by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-17 16:57
This poster gives the method to do the calculations.
The SunfOllower poster - technology by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-17 16:57
Details to reproduce the different parts of the experiment.
The SunfOllower poster - results by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-17 16:57
Science on Stage in Berlin by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-16 21:06
Flyer to explain quickly the SunfOllower working by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-10-18 16:43
Movies of the gnomon experiment by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-11-05 11:41
This movie was made the 11th of February 2008, themovie is accelerated 2000 times
The SunfOllower outside by Philippe Jeanjacquot — last modified 2008-11-05 11:59
The movies shoes the sunfollower motion outside. The real time of the film is 6 minutes
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