Polar lights in our schools
Niveau supérieurHow to build a simple equipment to see polar lights or aurorae Borealis in our schools.
- We have caught auroras Borealis for the olympiades Par Philippe Jeanjacquot — Dernière modification 19-06-2009 20:13
- This slideshow describe our experiment to "catch" aurorae Borealis and one of the first presentation for the French physics olympiades.
- Pictures of the workshop building Par Philippe Jeanjacquot — Dernière modification 08-07-2009 18:42
- This page shows the pictures, of the realization of the workshop.
- We have caught auroras borealis Par Philippe Jeanjacquot — Dernière modification 19-06-2009 20:14
- Before going to Malatya, the terrella experiment with auroras borealis, builded in the Lycee chaarlie Chaplin, was showed in the Kandili Observatory in Istabul.
- Our report Par Philippe Jeanjacquot — Dernière modification 08-07-2009 18:42
- This report was used for the "C'Génial "contest. With this report and show the team of students was qualified to the CASTIC contect in China